Australian Sky & Telescope — January 01, 2018

(WallPaper) #1


aunched in 1997, Cassini flew
by Venus twice, then past
Earth, an asteroid and Jupiter on its
way to Saturn. Finally reaching its
destination after a 7-year journey, it
went into orbit on July 1, 2004, and
later released the European Space

Agency’s Huygens probe, which
sniffed the atmosphere of Titan
during its descent and landing in early

  1. Planned as a 4-year mission,
    Cassini ended its 13 years in residence
    when it plunged into the atmosphere
    of the planet on September 15, 2017.

The Cassini orbiter, having executed its Grand Finale,
has revolutionised our knowledge of the Saturnian system.
It’s that simple, and that profound.

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