3 To shape the nose,
fi rst mark the fl are of the
nostrils with the wide side
of a Dresden tool. Then
use a round grey silicone
tool or Dresden to stroke
down the side of the nose
and shape around the tip
of the nose. Push the same
round grey tool into the
nose to slightly indent the
nostrils, then open with
the hard pointed tool.
4 Create the cheek bones
either with the side of a
thumb, or the handle of a
tool. Stroke away fi nger or
tool marks, then pinch with
fi nger and thumb to pull
the mouth slightly forward
and hollow the cheeks.
2 Press two fi ngers down
either side of the nose,
or use the handle of a tool.
Press down at the base of
the nose, then shape the
nose with a soft round tool
or fi ngers while the paste is
still soft.
1 Roll 45g of fl esh coloured
paste into an oval. Roll a
fi nger half way down the
face to create the eye line.
Use a bone tool to gently
press each eye socket into
place. Smooth away with
fi ngers afterwards to take
away lines from tools.
5 Use the hard pointed
tool to mark two dots to
indicate the mouth area,
then join the dots using the
tool as a scribe.
6 Insert a scalpel into the
mouth, cutting from corner
to centre for both sides.
Keep the scalpel inside the
mouth and lift up the upper
lip, then pull down the
lower lip. Stroke the edge
of the lips either with a
fi nger or with the wide end
of a Dresden tool.
7 Use a grey round silicone
tool to press around both
the top and bottom lips
to defi ne. Push the lower
lip in just under the sides
of the mouth to lift the
corners of the mouth into
a small smile.
8 Insert the wide end of a
Dresden tool to mark the
shape of the eye. Hollow
either using the Dresden
or a small ball tool. Push
the Dresden upside down
under the upper eye lid and
lift slightly to create upper
eye lids.
9 Emphasise the upper and
lower eye lids using a no.2
grey round silicone tool or
a soft tapered tool stroking
around the eye. Insert very
small rugby ball shapes of
white paste into the eye.
10 Push a hollow into the
white then drop in a tiny
ball of brown paste. Repeat
with a smaller ball tool
before adding a tinier ball
of black. Roll white paste
into a fi ne sausage and add
tiny pieces of paste for the
whites of the eye.
11 Dust a little skintone
mixed with cornfl our into
the creases of the face.
Begin to add eyebrows
with tapered sausages of
white paste textured with
a Dresden tool.
p45-49_Trend Feature_NEW.indd 47 09/11/2017 17:14