The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
ART 221

designed to satisfy geometrical considerations, for the composition of the human
scene is split into four parts which have a broadly symmetrical relation but inter-
estingly there is a little variation in that on the left-hand side of the bier there are seven
mourners, while on the right there are six and a tiny figure like that of a child. The
central scene is divided horizontally between the corpse at the top and the mourners
at the bottom, two of which are kneeling while the others are sitting, varying the
The representation of human figures is regarded by art historians as a break-
through, as the geometric style had been fully abstract. This relative novelty in the
depiction of humans must explain the small area of space given to the central image
of the mourning scene (in which the corpse is centrally situated and dominates by
virtue of size) when considered in relation to the whole surface area of the vase.
Despite this, the human scene isnevertheless curiously central, for the eye is drawn

The Dipylon vase
Archaeological Museum,
Athens. © Hellenic
Ministry of Education
and Religious Affairs,
Culture and Sports/
Receipts Fund
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