The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

ephebe a youth between 18 and 20 who undertook military training
epikleros literally, someone who went with the property; an heiress whose father had
died before her marriage; she could not own property in her own right
erastes the active male lover
eromenos the beloved of the erastes, characteristically an adolescent
eupatridae those who came from the best families

frieze that part of the stonework which comes between the architrave and the
cornice in temple architecture. The Parthenon has an Ionic inner and Doric
exterior frieze

genos a small grouping of families within the phratria
gerousia from geros,an old man; a council of 28 elders over 60 (elected for life) at
gymnasium derived from gymnos, naked; public facility for athletic exercise and
gymnopaedia exercises for boys at Sparta

hamartia error or mistake made by a dramatic protagonist, not a “tragic flaw” as in
modern thought and drama
hegemon leader, the title taken by Philip II as prospective leader of the Greeks
against the Persians
herkeios adjective meaning concerned with the household, often used of Zeus
hetaira courtesan
hetairoi companions; in Macedon, cavalrymen and personal guards of the king
hieromenia the holy time of the month: a period of general armistice in Greece
during which the Olympic games were held
historia enquiry
homoioi similars, men on an equal footing; in Sparta, full citizens, also called Spartiates
hoplite infantryman
hybris overweening pride that begets nemesis
hydria a water container having one vertical (pouring) and two horizontal handles
(for carrying)

isonomia equality under the law

kithara a large stringed instrument with box-shaped sounding body
kleros literally, a lot, portion; an allotment of land given to citizens often overseas
komos revel, celebration
kore a young woman, often used for statues of young women
kothurnoi the high boots worn by tragic actors
krater large wide vessel for mixing water and wine

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