Design World – August 2019

(Ron) #1

112 August 2019 DESIGN WORLD

Jean Thilmany | Senior Editor


AI has the potential to allow engineers to design products

faster than before while meeting design specifications,

sometimes in new and unique ways.

Artificial intelligence could be said to be the new hot buzzword, as it seems to be making inroads
into all types of software.

“We don’t see a lot of AI yet in a CAD environment, but it’s coming,” says Andreas Vlahinos, chief technology
officer Advanced Engineering Solutions, a research and design firm in Castle Rock, Colo.
AI is a broad field focused on using computers to do things that require human-level intelligence.
But how CAD will make future use of AI is still up for debate, he adds.
While some CAD makers are delving into AI functionality, the marriage of AI and design software is in the
early stages, says Jon Hirschtick, chief executive officer of Onshape, which makes cloud-based CAD software.
“AI has great potential, but so far no one has illustrated how it will unfold,” he says.
AI doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all definition within any industry yet, says said Gian Paolo Bassi, chief
executive officer at Dassault Systèmes. “Today, there’s a huge debate about what AI is. People say AI is

making design better,

faster, and easier


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