Shooting Gazette – September 2019

(Ron) #1


Private aircraft ready to
take you anywhere.

Travelling Guns

and choose when, and where, they
wish to fl y.
Chartering a private plane
makes sense when it comes to your
syndicate travelling to a shoot. Your
gun, cartridges and dogs can travel
with you and you need less time
away from the desk.
You travel in style with no more
of that endless queuing at least two
hours before your fl ight departs. Five
minutes sounds much more like it.
Just remember to don your sunglasses
when you leave the plane.

For further information, visit

organise an earlier return fl ight.
Most chartered planes use smaller
airports, as it allows for greater
fl exibility in getting a fl ight slot,
more privacy, and the landing
charges are much cheaper. It also
means you can often use an airport
much closer to your home and
nearer to the shoot.

Longer distances
It is possible to fl y longer distances
with the plane stopping to refuel
and you can take the chance to
enjoy lunch while this is going on
before rejoining the plane.
Broadsword has clients who
regularly use its services throughout
the season and says it is not unusual

for three planes to be chartered
by the same syndicate so that
partners and friends can join the
shooting party.
Flights are often arranged to
France for boar shooting and farther
afi eld for partridge shooting.
Broadsword is an offshoot
of 2Excel, which has been in
existence for 10 years and includes
the Blades Aerobatics team.
Many of the pilots are ex-RAF
and all maintenance is done
Broadsword offers a special deal
for frequent fl iers. Target Fliers can
buy 30 hours of fl ying and they will
then be treated as the ‘owner’ of the
aircraft for this time and can pick
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