Group Leisure & Travel – May 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

Zizi Strallen

Take a bow...

This is your second casting as Mary Poppins, having
originally starred on the UK tour back in 2015, how
did it come about?

Originally I was cast in person by producer Cameron
Mackintosh; I had to go to his house and sing through
some of the songs with him. Then I went for a walk
around his beautiful grounds and he told me he’d love
me to have the role. For days after, I thought “did I hear
him wrong”. After finishing the tour I had hoped it would
come to London. There was no guarantee that I would do
it again but I feel really privileged to have been asked.

She grew up with the magic of
Mary Poppins and now actress
Zizi Strallen has landed her
dream role, for the second
time, as the musical gets set
for its West End revival.

Photo credit: Johan Persson. May 2019 25

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