Group Leisure & Travel – May 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1


group organiser

Make time for your bucket list and tales of the mysterious airport trolley

The views expressed in this column are not necessarily the views of the publisher.

Tragic Notre Dame fire

You just expect things to always be there, don’t
you? I visited Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
with a group years ago and have always wanted
to return. Now it will never be the same after
the fire that destroyed much of the building. I
have read reports citing various causes. What is
certain is that not enough care and attention was
taken during the restoration of this world famous
landmark. Discarded cigarette butts were found
on site, even on the roof where the fire broke out.
Renovators have confessed to police that they
smoked illegally around the cathedral. Even after
this, French police guarding the site have been
seen smoking. It beggars belief.

Lessons learned: never take anything for granted;
go and visit those special places on your bucket
list; and those responsible for the care and
protection of the world’s precious places should
realise that a casual approach can lead to tragedy
and loss that cannot be replaced.

Sort out the trolleys

Over the years I have berated many airports, none
more so than Luton. But there has been a great deal
of change, much for the better. Once you get through
security, you are met with a new and,
rather excellent collection of retail and
food/drink options, a result of the airport’s
major expansion.

But, that aside, they seem to have
forgotten about the small things that
make a big difference, like finding a
trolley for your luggage after you’ve
parked. I thought I’d treat my legs and
pay a little extra for the multi-storey,
located right next to the terminal.
I parked without a hitch
but trying
to find
a trolley

Thumbs up for new GLT website

If you’ve not visited the Group Leisure & Travel website
recently, you will notice a significant difference. Hats off to
the team, it looks fantastic. So many wonderful ideas, brilliant
features and all wrapped up with big lovely photos and content
that looks great on my computer and phone. You just want my
name, email and group name for full access? It’s yours.

was like searching for the lost Ark. I begrudgingly
accepted that the only option was to huff and puff as
I wheeled and carried our luggage, including the attire
and essentials my wife could not do without. After a
splendid group holiday to Ireland, we returned to the
baggage reclaim area with the usual bun fight welcome.
Want a trolley? That’ll be £2 please. With no choice, and
after working out how to get the thing out, we return
to the car. This wasn’t the end of the ordeal; the only
trolley park was the next level up. Being a conscientious
person, I took the lift to return the trolley. Not that this
fictional area existed of course. After wandering around
like a moron, I asked a member of staff where to park
the trolley. The response? “Just stick it there.” There
being anywhere because they couldn’t have cared less. A
positive customer experience is all about the detail isn’t
it? Of course you can withdraw your business if you’re
not happy but it’s not always as simple when you need to
fly off somewhere.

90 May 2019

The views expressed in this co

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more so than Luton. But there has been a great deal
of change, much for the better. Onceyouget through
security, you are met with a new and,
rather excellent collection of retail and
food/drink options, a result of the airport’s
major expansion.

But, that aside, they seem to have
forgotten about the small things that
make a big difference, like finding a
trolleyfor your luggage afteryou’ve
parked. I thought I’d treat my legs and
pay a little extra for the multi-storey,
located right next to the terminal.
I parked without a hitch
but trying
to find
a trolley

90 May 2019
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