Diabetic Living Australia - July-August 2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1




Wow, wow, wow! DL is
everything I need to get me
out of a rut after two years of difficulty
getting around on two feet, and a sore
back from a year confined, more or less,
to bed.
Yes, I’m a Kiwi, but I do so look
forward to your mag arriving in the post.
Many of the items mentioned in
the recipes we do not have here in
our Countdown Supermarket, so that
makes it hard finding alternatives, and as
an older generation brought up through
the times of rationing, it was all plain
food we lived on. I now find that my
body does not tolerate all the Asian-
inspired ingredients that seem to be
included in many of the recipes. Sad,
but it is a case of what can be tolerated,
and many of my friends find the same
body tolerance I speak of.
The Living Well section is really
topnotch this time as well, and I have
been devouring the contents since it
arrived in yesterday’s mail. Haven’t got
too far as I have already been encouraged
to try doing a little more exercise today.
Thank you for this wonderful
magazine and I can’t wait for the
next issue to arrive!
Jeanette, New Zealand Send your letters to [email protected]

Here’s where you have your say,

tell others your stories and give

feedback on your magazine

You tell us
Thanks for the help
I felt compelled to
write after reading the
March/April 2018 issue.
I thankfully am not a
diabetic but am coeliac

  • for over 34 years –
    and this causes me no
    real challenges, now;
    and four years ago I
    was diagnosed with
    scleroderma. This does
    pose many problems,
    health issues and
    lifestyle challenges.
    I’ve enjoyed many of
    your gluten-free recipes
    and dietary advice, but
    now find so many
    articles, advertisements
    and lifestyle issues for

Take extra care when feeling sick
I have attended many courses, read lots of
paperwork information, and attend a diabetic
educator six-monthly. Not once have I read or been
told to be careful when I get a sore throat and use
lozenges to relieve symptoms. I know if I thought
about it I would have realised – sugar!!!
I had a very bad throat, took a lozenge often,
and ended up in the hospital with a reading of 24.
I didn’t have more than 5-6 lozenges in that day.
So I thought I’d write, so someone could give
a warning – maybe an article – about various things
to be taken carefully.

We hear you Lyn!
Turn to page 104
to find out what
you should consider
the next time
you’re sick.

diabetics are relevant
to this very serious
autoimmune disease.
This issue, I’ve read
every article as I found
something for my
benefit and, if not, then
I’ve found I’ve learned
things I previously
have not known.
So, thank you to the
Diabetic Living team,
not only for the recipes,
the healthy eating and
living well articles, but
the important advice
many others – like
me – gain from
the magazine.
Barbara, Victoria

diabetic living JULY/AUGUST 2018 5

your thoughts

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