
(Sean Pound) #1

Where did you go on your first trip abroad?
It must have been to my grandparents’
house outside Florence. The Italian
produce must have cast its spell because
I’m still obsessed with lemons, olive
oil and tomatoes.

What sort of traveller are you?I like to
plan ahead. I need to make sure that
I eat in all the best places because for
me going on holiday is about learning
new things and coming back with lots
of new dishes to cook. One time I got
the wrong information about a place
in Bangkok that I was told served the
best oyster omelette. It took me hours
to find it, and when I got there I found
out that it was closed on Mondays. Now,
I do my research.

How do you combine work with travel?
I have to go abroad on book tours, and
although it’s always a packed schedule,
sometimes with an intimidating number

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The Israeli-born chef, restaurateur

and food writer on losing his

glasses and inding inspiration.

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