Reader\'s Digest Australia & New Zealand - June 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1
June• 2018 | 33


F. Kennedy congratulates Jackie for
being rude to the Queen and inspir-
ing her Ghanaian visit, as it’s worked
out perfectly for his ends. While Jackie
was scathing about both Buckingham
Palace and the Queen, the political
balance was actually reversed be-
tween the UK and the US. Nkrumah’s
power had been wobbling before the
November royal visit and its success
served to stabilise him, with the local
press hailing the Queen “the greatest
Socialist monarch in the world”. 
After the visit, PM Harold Macmil-
lan insisted Kennedy underwrite the
dam project, saying, “I have risked my
Queen. You must risk your money.”



he biggest flight of fancy is
The Crown’s portrayal of the
Queen asking her uncle, the
Duke of Windsor, for advice. Despite
his abdication and cruel nicknames
and letters (mostly true), she remains
fond of him until Tommy Lascelles
bitterly explains the depths of the
Duke’s Nazi connections during the
season two episode ‘Vergangenheit’
(German for ‘past’).
In reality, relations were cool. he
Queen Mother loathed him – scenes
where she accuses him of having
killed her husband by abdicating are
based on fact – and the Queen sided
with her parents, though she re-
mained courteous towards the Duke
and was kind to him in his old age.

While some details of the Duke’s
Nazi sympathies may be sketchy, the
general picture drawn is accurate.
In 1936, when King, he phoned the
German ambassador directly, and
also met with Adolf Hitler on a visit
to Germany in 1937. He revealed to
the Germans that their plans for in-
vasion were known to the French
and there is a report from 1940 by
Windsor’s friend, Don Javier Berme-
jillo, stating that Windsor encouraged
Nazi bombing of England, recounted
by Dr Karina Urbach in her book Go-
Betweens for Hitler.
While some insist the Duke was a
fool, not a traitor, there’s no reason
he wasn’t both. One thing is certain:
he was not so much a fool as to come
to Britain angling for an oicial job
with Elizabeth’s government, as he
does in episode six.

Rift with his relatives: the Duke of
Windsor, played by Alex Jennings

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