Landscape Architecture Australia — February 2018

(backadmin) #1

Compost as a sustainable solution

Waste Less, Recycle More Organics

Compost can be a valuable input in sustainable urban
landscapes. Made from household food and garden organics
waste, source separated compost is processed commercially
to Australian Standards (AS4454) to be safe and useable,
free of contaminants and viable weed seed. Compost assists
with healthier soils, plant growth and lusher landscapes.

With the target to divert 75 per cent of all waste from
landfill in NSW by 2021, there is a need for effective food
and garden waste recycling, as organics are the largest
single waste stream. The NSW Government’s Environment
Protection Authority (EPA) through Waste Less, Recycle More
is funding infrastructure for collection and processing as well
as grants to develop new markets for the final product.

From the first round of these grants, known as the Organics
Market Development grants and managed by EPA Organics,
projects showcased the benefits of compost in multiple ways.
They included urban landscape applications using specified
compost blankets and compost-based top dressing.

In the compost blanket project, The Hills Bark Blower company
in conjunction with Roads and Maritime Services used the
product for erosion control, revegetation and rehabilitation
of new and existing roadsides. The compost blanket can
also be used for many other urban landscape solutions.

With the top dressing project, AgEnviro Solutions worked
with NSW Football and Northern NSW Football on sports field
turf management. The findings pave the way for specified
compost-based top dressing to be used for a variety of turf
and green space applications, especially in high traffic areas.

To find out more about these case studies and the next
grant round email [email protected]
or phone 02 9995 6874.
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