Landscape Architecture Australia — February 2018

(backadmin) #1
Seonyudo Park by Seoahn
Total Landscape Architecture
was converted from a water
filtration plant into a public
park in 2002. Photo: Seoahn
Total Landscape Architecture

Gyeongui Line Forest Park by
DSW Landscape Design and
Construction Co. is a linear
park converted from an
abandoned railway in 2015.
Photo: Gierlang Bhakti Putra

you identify as the most influential ones in
your continent?

JK — Seony udo Pa rk by Seoa hn Tota l
Landscape Architecture, which sits on a
small island under a Han River bridge in
Seoul, was converted from a water filtration
plant into a public park in 2002. This post-
industrial regeneration park project
improved the standard of park design in
South Korea. Gyeongui Line Forest Park by
DSW Landscape Design and Construction
Co. is a linear park converted from an
abandoned railway in 2015. It aroused great
public attention on parks. Parkkim (founded
by Yoonjin Park and Jungyoon Kim), based
in Seou l, is one of A sia’s notewor t hy
designers (see page 63 for profile). They are
producing remarkable outcomes in terms of
creativity and completeness.

LAA — What are the most important
landscape issues in your country?

JK — Urban regeneration, gentrification,
interest in gardens and the Yongsan Park
project at t he US m ilita r y ba se site in Seou l.
Recently, emphasis shifted from demolition
and reconstruction projects to regeneration
in Korea. The national and regional
governments also plan to invest plenty of
money for urban regeneration. As
professionals involved with these projects,

we are also pondering how we can achieve
good urban regeneration and what roles
landscape architects should play.

Gentrification has become a familiar term
for not only professionals, but also the
general public ... the public and the media
[in Korea] show a strong negative opinion on
the phenomena. It is a challenging task to
upgrade a neighbourhood and at the same
time keep the unique place identity without
causing public anger.

Gardens and gardening have become more
popular in Korea over the past five years.
Many regional governments hold gardening
expositions and provide gardening
education programs. Korean people are
more interested in gardening and
horticulture than the artistic aspects of
gardens or garden culture. Garden
expositions and contests give opportunities
to young landscape architects and raise the
public recognition of gardens. However, it is
difficult to say that Korean garden culture
has had a qualitative growth or that an
alternative garden culture has emerged.

The West 8 and Iroje consortium is working
on the plan for the Yongsan Park project.
One of the major problems is that the
transfer of park site ownership from the US
government to the Korean government is

not yet complete. Professionals are working
ha rd to come up w it h a pla n to t ur n t he site
into a ecological park in cooperation with
the Korean public and the government.

LAA — Is there a cliche about Asian
landscape architecture?

JK — There is pressure regarding nature
and tradition. This includes a common
stereotype among the public and experts
that parks and gardens should have
traditional Korean elements and/or a lot of
trees. In the design of parks and gardens,
this stereotype sometimes leads to the
addition of traditional tiled roofs, old-style
lookout sheds (wondumak), stone walls or
ponds that are out of local context.

LAA — Do you have a topic that you want
the profession in Asia to explore further?

JK — [I would like the profession to explore]
adapting the residential environment to
urban and social changes such as redevel-
opment, reconstruction and demographic
changes. Also, the role of landscape archi-
tects in urban regeneration, and how we
can improve the quality of public space,
including design quality.

Answers translated by landscape architect
Hong-In Lee.



LANDSCAPE ISSUE 157 070 — 071

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