Australian Motorcycle News — January 30, 2018

(lu) #1


BMW R107R R 80 – Nozem Amsterdam

Prize fighter

Turns out there’s other cool things to do in Amsterdam apart

from you-know-what. Like building amazing custom BMWs



IF THE ORIGINAL design team
at BMW knew their sandals-with-
socks tourers would get turned into
bikes like this, they’d have choked
on their strudel.
Despite their uninspiring origins,
over the last 10 years we’ve seen old
Boxers shift to the forefront of the
custom scene. And just when you
think you’ve seen it all, the Nozem
custom house in Amsterdam comes
out with this 1984 BMW R 80 that
punches well above its weight.
Nozem’s bike builds are fantastic

  • heav y on fabrication work,
    incredible attention to detail and
    with some of the best colour palette
    selection we’ve seen. But over the
    last few months the shop’s been
    a bit quiet. The sad reason is that
    Nozem co-founder Lorenzo’s father
    passed away at the end of 2017. As
    a result, the R107R is the fi rst foray
    back into bike building and the
    world of social media for Lorenzo.

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