Weight Watchers Australia — March 2018

(sharon) #1

34 weightwatchers.com/nz

Winding road
But it wasn’t a direct path to
weight-loss success, at least
for Rhonda. When her friend
suggested they join Weight
Watchers together to lose
weight, Rhonda instead chose
to try a small gym and use
a personal trainer.
After months of twice-weekly
personal training sessions,
workouts and dietary changes,
by May Rhonda had lost just
2kg. Meanwhile, her friend was
thrilled to have dropped 9kg
on the program, sparking
Rhonda’s life-changing decision
to ditch the gym and join
Weight Watchers Online.
“After months of this
boutique gym I was not feeling
any healthier and my bank
balance was down. I couldn’t
justify spending any more
money in the gym,” she says.
“On May 24 I joined Weight
Watchers Online and that
decision has literally changed
my life.”

Commit to change
Rhonda embraced the online
WW experience, and found
she loved being a part of the

Connect Community, who
became a supportive, positive
cheer squad for her.
“One of my early posts on
Connect was of a dandelion
because, well, we’ve all wished
it to happen. I wished I was
thinner, but that didn’t work,
so instead, I’ve had to do
something about it,” she says.
“Joining is the hardest part

  • it’s confronting, you have to
    stand on the scales and go ‘this
    is where I’m at’. After that, I just
    think it’s fantastic, it’s easy.”
    Rhonda has made a habit of

getting up before dawn to
squeeze in some activity
before work.
“When I joined Weight
Watchers in May, I gradually
set my alarm earlier and earlier
so I got up at 4.20am to manage
a walk before I left for work at
6am,” she says.
“It was winter and dark, so
initially I just zig-zagged up and
down the sloping driveway of
my townhouse complex. Yes,
I guess I looked like a lunatic,
but I didn’t really care!”
Rhonda tracked all her food

The keen photographer
enjoys an active lifestyle and
loves sharing her snaps on
her Instagram and Connect
as ravishingrhonda.
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