Camper Trailer Australia — December 2017

(ff) #1

Wild boar are plentiful in the Cape’s
rainforest swamps and jungles. The
Europeans love eating them. If you’ve ever
tasted the Iberian acorn-eating swine
from northern Spain, jamon de belota
negra, you already know how well the
Spaniard's have perfected wild-pork
husbandry. Here in Australia, they’re a
from at least tasting one the next time you
know how to prepare it properly. Here’s
Camper’s take on cooking and eating wild
Smaller pigs are almost always better
eating than older pigs - the same as every
animal. Lamb compared to mutton,
yearling beef compared to an old dairy

Make sure the pig you source is healthy with
no obvious signs of disease. Ask yourself: What
sort of things has it been eating? What has this
anything even marginally suspect or unhealthy.
If butchering your own beast, make sure your
equipment and work area is pristine. If sourcing
from somewhere else, quiz your supplier
extensively about the swine's condition.
To be safe, cook it for a long time. If cooking
from fresh, start off on a long slow ‘n’ low cook,
want to be thorough about your meat, butcher
your beast into manageable cubes, then boil until
well cooked-through. Then transfer the cooked
and cooled pieces into a casserole or curry.
Vindaloo is a nice option, especially for people


  • 2 cups rice wine vinegar

  • 20 cloves garlic, peeled

  • 4tablespoonspaprikaormoretotaste

  • 3 tablespoons sugar

  • 2 teaspoons hot chili powder or more to taste

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

    • 1 teaspoon garam masala

    • 1 teaspoon turmeric

    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

    • Salt and pepper to taste

    • 4 pounds wild boar, cut into 1-inch cubes

    • 3 tablespoons oil

    • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes or more to taste

    • 500 grams brown onion

    • 500 grams tinned tomatoes

    • 3 cups steamed basmati rice for serving

    • 4 limes, halved

To make a vindaloo paste, combine vinegar,
garlic, paprika, sugar, chili, spices and salt to taste
into a mortar and pestle. Grind until mixture
reaches a smooth consistency.
Season boar or pork with salt. In a large camp
oven over medium coals, heat oil, then sear pre-
boiled swine on all sides. Add vindaloo paste,
onions and red pepper flakes to pan and mix
well. Move oven to cooler section of the fire, add
tomatoes, cover with lid and slowly simmer until
meat is tender, maybe an hour (maybe less if the
boar has been thoroughly par-boiled)
Serve wild swine vindaloo hot over steamed
rice with lime halves.CTA




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