Empire Australasia — December 2017

(Marcin) #1

Clockwise from above:
Chin chin! Gloria
(Annette Bening) and
Peter (Jamie Bell) enjoy
the craic; Julie Walters
plays Bella, Peter’s mum;
The couple share a
precious moment; Bell in
discussion with director
Paul McGuigan on set.

What’s the story? Hollywood’s making an
all-female version of Lord Of The Flies, with What
Maisie Knew screenwriter-directors Scott McGehee
and David Siegel bringing it to the screen.

But why is that a big deal? There are already
women in Lord Of The Flies. Love Galadriel. No,
that’s Lord Of The Rings.

Ah, right. What’s this about? It’s William Golding’s
1954 Nobel-winning novel that sees a group of
British schoolboys crash-land on an uninhabited
island in the Pacifi c and slowly turn into savages.

The one we had to read at school with Piggy
in it? Exactly.

Wait, isn’t the story about masculinity run
amok? Will that even work with female
characters? Golding certainly wouldn’t have
thought so. He often stated that his novel
featured boys for a reason — because girls
wouldn’t sink to the same levels of savagery
as Ralph and co.

And the internet is angry, is it? When is it
not? But it has a point here. There’s a gender
imbalance in Hollywood, but this feels like
a tokenistic way to address it, not helped by
the fact that it’s being driven by men.

So why is it happening? With gender fl ips in
vogue in Hollywood — see: Ghostbusters and the
new Ocean’s movie — the new team claim to have
found a female spin to apply to the novel’s
primitive behaviour and bullying cliques.

Mean Girls on an atoll? Actually, we could get on
board with that. What’s Tina Fey’s number?

Everything you need to
know about ‘the female
Lord Of The Flies’ uproar

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