Empire Australasia — December 2017

(Marcin) #1

glossy blaster and jaunty,
red-trimmed cape, Phasma is
unquestionably the best-dressed
stormtrooper in the galaxy. The
prestige of rank is all well and
good, but Phasma, like Moana’s
crab-monster Tamatoa, would
rather be shiny.
“It’s a couture suit of armour,”
claps Gwendoline Christie, more
than a little excitedly. “As someone
who loves couture, that’s pretty
hard to beat.”
Thanks to costume wizard
Michael Kaplan, Phasma’s look has
undergone some catwalk upgrades.
No longer clad in steel, the First
Order’s fi eld commander is now
silver-plated, bestowed with a
bright, gleaming fi nish from head

to toe. Phasma’s look in The
Force Awakens was rushed due
to the character’s last-minute
introduction by J.J. Abrams.
Kaplan took steps to rectify that
with the lustrous Phasma 2.0.
“When I was cast I was only
supposed to be in the fi lm for
a couple of days,” recalls Christie.
“But then things evolved and the
part expanded. It’s easily one of the
best things that’s happened to me.”
Aside from her polished-mirror
exterior, a notable accessory in
the Phasma Fall Collection is
her conspicuous new weapon:
a nasty-looking spear.
“I think of that as Captain
Phasma’s handbag,” Christie laughs.
“It’s not very practical, it only really
holds lipsticks. And possibly a pen.”
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