Australasian Dirt Bike — January 2018

(sharon) #1


ince Beta started producing enduro
bikes the company has developed a
reputation for building excellent
trailbikes. Bikes that are affordable and
predictable, and are often picked as the
preferred trailbike in our enduro
shootouts. But they always failed to
snare enduro shootout victory because
they were either underpowered or poorly sprung.
Betas have always come with mid-pack running gear
and they’ve never claimed to be anything more than
what their race results yielded. They were ideal for
your regular trail punter – nothing flash, but a worthy
companion for the trails. That was until Stephen
Holcombe started racing for Beta.
With a pilot like Holcombe steering the R&D ship,
Beta has been steadily improving its RR range, and its
2018 family will leave presumptuous punters
stuttering and spluttering for the right verb to describe
their exhilaration after mounting the 350RR.
Earlier this year we sent Digital Editor, Olly ‘Pat’
Malone, over to Italy to test the 2018 range (ADB
#456). He was the first Aussie journo to touch and feel
one in the metal and his initial report yielded positive
vibes. Visually they weren’t radically new, however it


Forget everything you know about

the Beta 350RR. This is a new era.

The fi rst injector is located near the intake valves JANUARY 2018 | 77
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