TransWorld Motocross — September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Like clockwork, our Suzuki tour bus was at the en-
trance of the hotel to pick us up the next morning
for the grand finale of what had been an insane few
days in Japan. What was left? The official debut
of their very special 2018 RM-Z450 production
model, something no one in the world, aside from
Suzuki employees, had seen before. It’s definitely a
privilege and an honor to be among the selected
group of editors who will see a highly anticipated
new bike release long before the public does, but
that doesn’t come without a long embargo agree-
ment to sign. After reading about three words (who
actually reads these things?) and understanding the
date and time that we could actually release our
coverage, I gathered that bad things would hap-
pen—something along the lines of five ninjas with
samurai swords at my doorstep in California—if I
leaked any of this before June 28 at 3:00 p.m. PST.
On to the bike! Seated in a conference room,
we were met with the 2017 RM-Z model out in the
open air, and next to it sat the 2018 production
model beneath a blanket. Assorted parts were
placed on tables throughout the room, and the al-
mighty spec pamphlet came down in front of me—
this was the meat and potatoes of the new ma-
chine all printed out right before my eyes. Showa
spring forks? The first production bike to feature
the Showa Balance Free Rear Cushion (BFRC) rear
shock? Completely redesigned frame/subframe
geometry? Race team–inspired re-style? More
horsepower and torque? This thing looked amaz-
ing on paper, and moments later they uncovered
the machine and everyone was pretty shocked to
see how closely it resembled the race bike we had
ridden only a few days prior. If Suzuki was looking
to impress on looks alone, they hit the nail on the
head—but this bike also made huge strides in the



performance and handling departments. Since
being the first brand to introduce fuel injection
to their production model bike back in 2008, this
much-needed update to the RM-Z450 is a bit of
a rebirth into advancing their flagship motocross
machine, and that’s exciting for them as a brand,
and for the industry as a whole. By the time this
magazine ends up in your hands, we will have
ours on an RM-Z450 to run it through its paces,
so be sure to check it out at!
After we all collected our photo and video as-
sets and discussed our thoughts in the open fo-
rum with their engineering staff, it was demo time
outside with Carmichael aboard the all-new ma-
chine at Ryuyo’s test facility. To properly describe
this track in one word, I think “brutal” is the best
fit. Mind you, this is a R&D purposed circuit where
riders run these bikes through all types of tests.
Unfortunately, they wouldn’t be specific about
these tests, as it’s all proprietary and top secret.
Most of the jumps don’t even have landings in
hopes to properly abuse these bikes. Think of a
California blue-groove hard-pack layout, but with
overgrown green grass within. Wrapped around
this motocross test track was an enormous paved
racetrack complete with a 1.5-mile top-speed
straightaway used for testing their street ma-
chines. Massive! When RC fired up the bike it
was almost like time stopped and everyone on
hand from Suzuki was witnessing their dream—
the G.O.A.T. himself putting their pride and joy
through its paces. Engineers and factory workers
lined the track, some came to the windows, and
their facial expressions said it all. It was an awe-
some way to see everyone on hand from Suzuki
collectively show their pride in what they’ve cre-
ated, and that’s something you can’t fake.
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