TransWorld Motocross — September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


“We are really good together in a
working relationship,” Tomac ex-
plained after the running of the
Thunder Valley National. “It’s nice to
have a guy that you can get feedback
from and we can feed off each other,
but at the same time, there’s not any
drama or too much spun-up emotion
about stuff. We both want to go out
there and just do our best. He’s been
around long enough to know the ins
and outs, and it’s cool to see both of
us really turning it up this year.”

Offered Grant of his relationship
with Tomac, “It’s a good balance.
Obviously, Eli is out in Colorado
quite a bit and I’m out here and I’ve
got my family and my duties as well,
but when we’re at the track, he’s a
nice dude. We get along and we’re
both serious about what we do. It’s
really easy.”

Halfway through his 13th year of
American motocross and Super-
cross competition, an eternity in this
modern era, Grant has learned a
few things along the way. With age
comes wisdom, and with that wisdom
comes a strong confidence in his ap-
proach to the sport, be it on race day
or the six days leading up to it.

“I’ve been doing it for so long,” said
Grant, who as an individual, very
much has his own way of doing
things when it comes to training, nu-
trition, and even practice. “I’ve been
through those same routes of hiring
the trainers and all the same type of
stuff. It’s not that you don’t need it. I
mean, some people need a babysit-
ter, and that’s kind of what it is. For
me, I know what I need to do. I’ve set
up my own little gym at home. I’m
not out there grinding every single
day because, let’s face it, I’m 30 years
old. I’m not able to do the same stuff
those guys are doing. I was doing
that when I was 21. On Mondays I’m
not on the 40-mile bike rides. I’m
sitting in there going, ‘Ice bath. All
right. Let’s recover.’ It’s a little bit dif-
ferent, but yeah, man, I do things my
own way. It just helps me relax know-
ing I’ve been through the ropes. I’ve
done it long enough now that I know
what works for me and what doesn’t.”

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