Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1

Chin-Up (Weighted If Possible)
With a shoulder-width grip, grab the
bar so your palms face towards you.
Pull yourself up until your chin passes
the bar. Lower yourself down so your
arms reach full extension before start-
ing the next repetition. If you need extra
resistance, hold a dumbbell between
your legs or use a weighted chain belt.

Standing Alternating Overhead
Dumbbell Press
Holding one dumbbell in your right
hand, raise it to shoulder height so your
elbow is directly beneath it. Keeping
your torso even, press the dumbbell up
then lower it back to the starting posi-
tion. Repeat on the opposite side.

Bench Press
Lie fl at on a bench. Grab the bar with
a slightly wider than shoulder-width
grip. Unrack the bar and lower it to just
above your sternum while keeping your
feet planted and shoulder blades tight.
Press the bar back up stopping just
short of locking out.

Lying Prone Row on Incline Bench
Start lying face down on an incline
bench with your chin just above the top
of the bench. Plant your feet fi rmly on
the ground to keep your body in posi-
tion. Grab two dumbbells and slowly
pull them up to your chest. Pause and
then lower back to the starting posi-

Lying Prone Rear Delt Raise on
Incline Bench
Start lying face down on an incline
bench so your chin is just above the
top of the bench. Place your feet fi rmly
on the ground to ensure that your body
remains in position. Grab two dumb-

bells and raise them out to your sides
keeping your arms perpendicular to
your torso. Raise the dumbbells till your
arms are at the same height as your
torso. Pause and then lower back to the
starting position.

Incline Dumbbell Press
Lie down on an incline bench with a
dumbbell on each thigh. Using your
legs, lift each dumbbell up to your
chest one at a time. Lower the weights
so they’re in line with your upper pecs
and above your armpits. Keeping your
elbows directly under the dumbbells
press up to the starting position.

Incline Dumbbell Flye
Lie down on an incline bench with a
dumbbell on each thigh. Using your
legs, lift each dumbbell up to your
chest one at a time. Keeping your arms
extended, lower the dumbbells out to
your sides so you feel a stretch in your
chest. Squeeze your chest and bring
both dumbbells back up to the starting
position like you’re hugging a tree.

Preacher Curl
Set up an EZ-curl bar on the preacher
rack. Grab the inside of the bar so both
palms are slightly angled towards each
other. Curl the bar so your elbows go
past 90-degrees and squeeze your
biceps. Lower the bar back down stop-
ping just short of locking out.

Conventional Deadlift
Load a barbell on the fl oor. Set your
feet up hip-width apart with your shoe-
laces just under the bar. Bend at your
hips so your shoulders are directly over
the bar and grab the bar as close to
your legs as possible. Pull the bar up by
extending your hips keeping the bar as

close to your body as possible. Lift till
you’re standing straight up then lower
back down keeping a neutral spine.

Single Leg Press
Set up on the leg press machine with
one leg in the middle of the platform
and the other off to the side. Unlock
the weight and lower the platform down
bringing your knee towards your chest.
Press the platform back up stopping
just short of locking out. Repeat on the
opposite side.

Exercise Ball Rollout
Place both elbows on an exercise ball
so you’re in a plank position. Slowly
extend your arms out. Pause and then
bring your arms back so your elbows
are directly underneath your shoulders.

44 AUGUST 2017 |




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