Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1
58 AUGUST 2017 |



Rose DiNuccio can probably do anything better than you and here’s the proof!

By The Editors Photography by Clint Padilla

The face of a warrior rarely gets a second glance, but when it

comes to Rose DiNuccio, we can’t help but look a lot closer. It’s

not just her looks though (which this feature will showcase), it is

also what we see when we look past the appearance and witness

how this woman literally transformed herself from an addict to one

of America’s greatest athletes on NBC’s American Ninja Warrior

and someone so athletic that they won their spot in this very mag-

azine! But, again, we have to look even closer, and really delve into

who this woman is and how she has made her life a shrine to hard

work, positivity and inspiration. For this warrior, the battle isn’t on a

front line. In fact, it’s a daily conquest of bettering herself, her body

and her life to be her best every single day. Are you warrior enough

to follow her example? Find out here!

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