Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1
64 AUGUST 2017 |



Focusing on your GI tract could lead to better health and body composition.



By Kris Gethin

have always thrived
on maximizing my
health practices, which
has evolved into very
precise daily routines
to optimize my health
and longevity. The
results have made it
worthwhile. In fact, 18
months ago my routine
blood tests showed
health markers displaying that I’m in
the top percentile of the world in my

age category. This definitely didn’t
happen accidentally. Rather, it’s the
outcome of the attention I’ve paid to
my health over the years.

The food I eat is pure. I always pay
close attention to where it comes from
and only use patented supplements
that carry the MicroPure guarantee.
On a daily basis I do everything in my
power to reduce inflammation and
remove toxins from my body to allow
it to work optimally. My goal is to live

until at least 100. To see what I’m do-
ing to achieve this, you can follow my
hashtag (#liveto100) on Instagram

One of the most important things I
do is follow a stringent morning ritual
to cleanse my insides and sustain my
highest state of health by focusing on
my GI tract. This article will give specific
insight into my morning ritual that’s
helped my health, along with improving
recovery and my body composition.
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