Superfood - March-April 2017

(Marcin) #1



Beating stress

If you fi nd stress levels increasing, your eating patterns are likely to be

aff ected. Dietitian Nichola Whitehead provides some tips on how

to bring your emotions and stress back under control.


tress can play havoc with our eating
patterns; it not only drives our
appetite, but it can lead to emotional
eating too. Although eating gives
us the chance to disconnect from the
stressful situation in hand, it isn’t a
long-term solution as food only acts as
temporary pacifi er of emotions.
Stress or emotional eating can also lead
to unhealthy food choices; we’re worrying
about the past or the future, rather than
focusing on the food that we’re eating in
the present.
Have you ever noticed that STRESSED,
spelled backwards is DESSERTS?

    Writing down what you have to get done is
    the fi rst step to taking control of your time.
    I personally like to divide up what I have
    to do into four segments: MUST, SHOULD,
    COULD and WANT.
    Dividing up tasks into these four
    segments makes it easy to see at a glance
    what needs to be done fi rst. The key is to
    accept that you cannot do everything all
    at once, and then prioritise. MUST tasks
    have more urgency, SHOULD tasks have
    importance, but without as much urgency,
    COULD tasks have a lesser importance and
    urgency and WANT tasks can wait.

When it comes to tackling your to-do
list, start with your MUST list and perform
one task at a time. It’s a myth that our
brains can multitask effectively; we simply
switch our focus from one thing to another
quickly, so make sure to remove any
distractions. For me, this means removing
my phone from my vicinity and turning off
the TV. Right now, I’m writing this article
in my study and all I have with me is a
drink; not even thirst is going to distract
me from my typing!

    This one is hard, but once mastered

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