Superfood - March-April 2017

(Marcin) #1





t fi rst sight this vegetable cannot be
described as pretty! It looks just like
a lumpy old potato and though it’s
becoming more common in our supermarkets
it is still unfamiliar to most.

Its season is October to March and it has a sweet,
nutty fl avour. When preparing and cooking a
Jerusalem artichoke, think of it as a potato; you
can roast, mash, bake, boil and steam it! And
similar to the potato there is a lot of nutrition
in the skin, so keep the skin on, if desired. This

vegetable does discolour quickly in the air, so
drop into water with a squeeze of lemon juice
straight aft er peeling to stop any oxidisation.

In addition to cooking the Jerusalem artichoke
(and unlike potatoes) they can be eaten raw in
salads or stir-fried.

Interestingly, Jerusalem artichokes are not
part of the artichoke family and they are not
even from Jerusalem. The name artichoke is
believed to have come from the fact that they

taste a like an artichoke mixed with potato –
but where the name Jerusalem derived from
is unknown. Guesses have been made at
‘girasole’, which is the Italian for sunfl ower.
The vegetable is part of the sunfl ower
family and the tubers oft en resemble the
appearance of ginger root.

Nutritionally this vegetable is high in iron
and inulin, which is a carbohydrate linked
with good intestinal health. It also contains,
vitamin C, potassium and phosphorus.



SF9_P83 Artichokes SHSD.indd 83 30/01/2017 10:36

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