
(Dana P.) #1



YAAAAASSSS! @bellahadid looking
in @dkny for the September
issue of @glamourmag.
—@endabfashion, via Twitter

Reading about all the women [in “We
Are America”] pursuing their talents
gave me goose bumps and inspired me
to pick up my writing again. My goal
is to write a novel and a screenplay—
thank you, Glamour!
—Vaia Tselios, Whitestone, N.Y.

I loved the idea of 50 women sharing
what it mea ns to be a woma n in A mer-
ica today, but I was less excited when 19
of the 50-plus women included “model”
as one of their job titles. I don’t want
to discount the amazing things these
women do, yet how about firefighters or
teachers? Custodians, chefs, therapists,

scientists, stay-at-home moms? I feel
like you missed the mark.
—Lindsay Devaurs, Bakersfield, Calif.

The September issue had me oohing,
aahing, and crying. “We Are America”
had great stories on role model women.
The best issue ever.
—Norma Skeet Wolters, Coldwater, Ohio

Brooke Evans’ story about being a
homeless college student is one of the
most intimate articles I’ve read in
quite some time. This young woman
is an inspiration: a role model and a
str uggling spir it w ith deep conv iction.
—Becca Chudzik, Elgin, Ill.

Missed any of the stories in our Septem-
ber issue? Download the digital edition
from your device’s app store.

GOT AN OPINION? Sure you do—and we want to hear it. Email us at [email protected];
tweet to @glamourmag; comment on or; or write us at
Glamour, One World Trade Center, New York, NY 10007. Submissions and comments
become the property of the magazine and won’t be returned; they may be edited and can be
published or otherwise used in any medium.

Women (and men)
loved President Obama’s
epic essay.



September Was

My father taught my sister
and me to never allow
anyone to limit us because
we were not boys. Great
men respect a woman’s
potential. Thank you,
President Obama, for being
that kind of GRE AT.
—Chelle Cordero, via

@glamourmag @POTUS
If I could heart this story a
million times, it wouldn’t
be enough. TY 4 supporting
women everywhere.
#feminism #equality
via Twitter

As a gay man, I’ve been
told I couldn’t dance or like
the color pink because it
was feminine. It was
refreshing to hear President
Obama call for the end of
gender stereotypes, because
they’re harmful to
both men and women.
—Javier Perez, 25,
New York City

At risk of being a guy
praising a guy for writing
about feminism, @POTUS’s
piece in @glamourmag
is badass.
—@chrisf holm, via Twitter


Glamour’s fall mega issue with cover model Bella Hadid
and 54 incredible influencers gave you “goose bumps.”


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