Feeding time.
The blue tiger, top,
and clearwing
swallowtail are just
two of the 40-plus
butterfl y species
found on the South
Cumberland Islands.
In the fi eld. Dr Alistair
Melzer navigates in
bush above Beverley
Bay, St Bees, during a
koala survey. Using a
GPS device to track his
route, he counts the
animals he passes.
The koalas...were relocated from
Proserpine, 125km north of
Mackay, to St Bees in the 1930s.
Tropical paradise.
Connie Bay’s white sands
and coral reefs are pretty
features of Keswick’s
northern shore.
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about the St Bees koalas.
Tirumala hamate
Cressida cressida
Sersalisia sericea
Phascolarctos cinereus
Island life. St Bees’ koalas
live in an isolated colony
that’s become the focus for
a range of scientifi c studies.
September–October 2015 65