
(sharon) #1



f this is a sign of what’s in store
for the next 12 months, we’re in for
a wet year. The ride home on the
BMW R1200RT, the new bike in the
ARR shed, was a damp one. My test last
year on the Bavarian tourer was also
mostly done in the rain. Is the RT the
bringer of rain? Maybe it’s the chemistry
between me and bike. Maybe I’m reading
too much into it ...
Either way, I don’t mind much.
Through the showers that came and
went on the 300km ride from Procycles
in St Peters back to my shed in the
sticks, I didn’t have to bother with the
wet weather gear. As I said in the initial
test, this bike’s fairing is a beauty. So let
it rain, I say.
The BMW aquaplaned once on the
way home — on a bend, just to make
it more interesting. I’d already dialled
it into Rain mode. There was a bit of
fi shtailing and heart-racing, but the big
machine barely shi ed off line. Nice.
By the time I’d parked it in the shed,
I’d remembered more of my favourite
things about the R1200RT. It sits solidly
on the road, whether upright or at full
lean, instilling you with an unshakable
sense of security. The front brakes
are sensational, with a direct feel that
implies they’re connected to your hand
with a steel rod, not vague hydraulics.
And the sound: even with the standard
muffl er, a sporty rendition of that fl at-

twin drone roars in your ears when you
give it the berries.
We’ll see what else comes to the fore
over the coming year with the RT. The
aim of the long-term test is to fi nd out
what it’s like to live with over time, and
put as many kays as possible under its
wheels to see how it handles it. A er a
major recall last year grounded all 2014
R1200RTs for weeks while a potentially
dangerous problem with the rear
suspension was sorted out, BMW is
pre y keen to demonstrate its faith in

the new twin-cylinder tourer,
and we’ll do our best to see if that
faith is justifi ed.
I’ll also be taking a look at the
broader package, including the System
6 helmet and the intercom system for it
that enables you to tune in to the bike’s
audio system.
First I have a heap of reading to
do, ge ing familiar with the bike’s
handbook and all the functions. And
working out why the damned iPhone
doesn’t work when I plug it in. — MM

We welcome to the ARR shed BMW’s luxury touring twin

Mile muncher

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