
(Elle) #1
Using 7mm needles and
two strands of M held
tog, cast on 106 sts.
Work 12 rows stocking
st, beg with a knit row.
Begin the stripes –
**Using two strands
of C tog, work one row.
Using two strands of M
tog, work one row.
Using two strands of C
tog, work fi ve rows.
Using two strands of M
tog, work one row.
Using two strands of C
tog, work one row.**
Using two strands of M

tog, work 30 rows.
Rep from ** to ** once.
Using two strands of M,
work 12 rows.
Cast off loosely.

To make up
Do not press. Fold the
rectangle in half to form
a square, wrong sides
together. Using mattress
stitch, join the edges
together, adding the
insert before closing
the fi nal side.

Using 7mm needles

and two strands of M
held tog, cast on 106 sts.
Work four rows of
stocking st, beg with
a knit row.
Begin the stripes –
** Using two strands
of C tog, work two rows.
Using two strands of M
tog, work one row.
Using two strands of C
tog, work two rows.
Using two strands of M
tog, work four rows.**
Rep from ** to **
seven times.
Cast off loosely.
Make up as for the
edge-striped cushion.

Using 7mm needles
and two strands of M
held tog, cast on 106 sts.
Work 30 rows stocking
st, beg with a knit row.
Begin the stripes –
Using two strands of C
tog, work six rows.
Using two strands of M
tog, work two rows.
Using two strands of C
tog, work six rows.
Using two strands of M
tog, work 30 rows.
Cast off loosely.
Make up as for the
edge-striped cushion.



From left to right: Edge-striped cushion, multi-striped cushion, centre-striped cushion

54 Homespun^ Homespun^54

HSP1511_p050-054 Comfort Zone PROJECT.indd 54 9/22/2014 10:27:40 AM


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