Vogue Australia 2015-05...

(Marcin) #1
e may have just starred as Gisele
Bündchen’s love interest in Baz
Luhrmann’s extravagant Chanel
No 5 commercial, but Michiel
Huisman is a reluctant fashion follower.
“I just put on whatever my wife tells me to
wear,” he admits, “but to be a part of
something so classy and so cool was great.”
The Game of Thrones star has made a habit
of not just dressing well but working with
the best-dressed and best-looking women
in the business. He laughs, embarrassed,
when reminded of the numerous beautiful
and talented stars he’s worked with of late:
Emilia Clarke in Game of Thrones, Reese
Witherspoon in Wild, Blake Lively in The
Age of Adaline and Teresa Palmer, his costar
in the Australian thriller 2:22, which was
filmed in Sydney in March.
“I’m also working with male actors every
now and then,” he points out. “But yes, I’ve
been very fortunate to work with all these
amazing, super-talented women. I love it.”
In The Age of Adaline, the Dutch native
plays opposite Lively. Her character, the
titular role, has lived for eight decades
despite not looking a day older than 29
after an accident affected her appearance.
She’s been on the run from herself and
anyone she meets, in an attempt to avoid
the inevitable scrutiny of those unable to



Ta k i ng

the lead

The Netherlands’ latest EXPORT is
proving a suitably stylish counterpart
6?BÈHollywood’s leading ladies.

reconcile her driver’s licence with her
youthful good looks. Enter Ellis
(Huisman), a dreamy entrepreneur,
philanthropist and Adaline’s love interest.
“I think it’s a very magical and super-
romantic movie,” he states.
Australia’s Oscar-winning costume
designer Angus Strathie was responsible
for bringing the vast time line of outfits to
life, and ensuring Adaline wears the very
best from each era.
“I think the movie was able to give every
decade an amazing look because of Blake’s
great sense of style,” says Huisman.
When not on set, Huisman can be found
in New Orleans, where he lives with his
wife, Dutch actress Tara Elders, and their
daughter Hazel. The couple also share
a private getaway just outside Amsterdam.
But with a slew of projects in the works,
the handsome Dutchman is in high
demand in Hollywood. It’s a far cry from
his not-so-distant past as the muscle-shirt-
wearing frontman of Dutch band Fontane.
“That’s the fun and horrible thing about
the internet ...” the affable Huisman
laughs. “I can never get rid of [those film
clips] and I try not to think about them too
much. However, every now and then I am
confronted by it, like now!” ■
The Age of Adaline is in cinemas April 16.

Michiel Huisman
and Blake Lively
star in The Age
of Adaline.

94 – MAY 2015

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