
(Barré) #1
The Wife
This is your “spouse” friend –
the one you do “couple things”
with. You holiday together,
have weekends away and
special birthdays are planned
in advance. You’ll bring the
laundry in for each other
and send one another text
messages, like “Out of almond
milk can you pick some up on
the way home please. Love
This friendship is more than
sheer convenience: it’s support,
and respect of your shared
values to stay healthy and

maintain that slippery 80/20
balance, which can easily come
unstuck when you’re under
pressure. (That’s 80% healthy,
20% fun).
When you’re both juggling the
daily time machine and she
has that crazy early start, your
“wife” knows she can sprint
out of bed, walk the beach, do
some solo yoga and you will be
there with an almond latte and
gluten-free toast smothered in

When you get home from a
day that threatened to never
end and are ready to order in a
super-cheesy pizza, she’s there
with her famous Thai chicken
curry with loads of greens and
glass of pinot. Yep, that’s my
favourite kind of 80/20 too!
Sunday morning brunch is a
guilt-free event, even when
you’re both having a slow start:
you’ll get on your bikes to ride
to the next suburb for that
decadent brunch. Solo, you’re
pretty amazing women: as a
team you’re unstoppable.

The Big Sister
Siblings have that special
quality of being so incredibly
different but somehow
maintaining a thread of
connection and a fierce bond
that is loyal and loving. The
same is true for this friend,
and if you’re the eldest in your
family, this is a really beautiful
friendship experience.
This friend is someone that is
so seemingly different from
you, yet because of those
differences she offers you a
view and perspective that
complements your own. She
runs when you do yoga, she
wears short shorts when
you wear long skirts – you
get the gist. When you want
that alternative opinion, she’s
the one to give it to you. And
being the big sister, she’s
got your back with a fierce
stare for anyone (including
yourself) who isn’t loving you
She’s also the friend who is
brave enough to state it like
it is when we need someone

to bust us out of our comfort
zone and challenge us to try
something new. She’ll come
with you to that new boxing
class when it’s time for you to
step it up a notch, and she’ll
just go ahead and sign you
up for that new silks class (or
dating site) – she knows that
you’ll love it once you give it
a whirl.
In her company and with
her support, you’ll enjoy
pushing your boundaries and
having experiences you never
thought possible.
Likewise, when she’s pushing
the extreme sports card to
its limit, you will be there to
remind her of the need for
yin to balance the yang. She’s
grateful for your reminder to
breathe, to get some extra
sleep and to take extra care
of her health (mind and
body) before that next half


oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 71

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