
(Barré) #1

made you realise your old eating habits
and way of life were no longer working
for you?

It was mid-2012 and we’d both just
completed a 12-week diet and exercise plan,
not designed for health but to lose weight.
We were over the moon, we’d reached our
goal weights (aka stick thin) BUT along
with our ‘perfect bodies’ we were tired,
moody, cold all the time and our periods
completely disappeared (yes, at the same
time!). Definitely, not healthy.

en meets Emma and
s, who have embraced
eating and a healthy,
ve attitude in the
en and their lives.

Was there apivotalmoment that


We were sick of feeling sick, fed up with
counting calories and disordered eating.
We were beyond tired from the guilt we felt
terribly confused as to why we felt this way.
We we r e i n t h i s o b s e s s i ve w h i rl w i nd of f a d
bodies and spirits.

What made you choose paleo
Sometimes we say paleo chose us (yes,
we’re a little bit crazy like that)! We realised
we had to make a change at the same
time that Emma found out she was gluten
intolerant, and in the space of one week a
work colleague, a fitness instructor and an
email I received all mentioned this “paleo

“I typed ‘paleo’ into Google... and read, and
read! It made complete sense. I forwarded
all my research to Carla and she chucked
the processed rice crackers away! We
started following a paleo lifestyle that day
and we’ve never looked back.” Emma
Our paleo way of eating continues to
change – we eat intuitively with the goal
to heal and nourish. Healthy guts make
everything better! We believe it’s not a
journey to health, it’s a journey of our best
health and our most favourite message to
send out to the world is to do what works
for you and what makes you feel good. This
is our philosophy at Merrymaker HQ.

You mention five areas you focus
on for optimal health – how do you
keep these in balance?
When we used to think about ‘health’, we’d
think about losing weight, eating less and
doing more exercise. Through our studies,
blogging and personal journey, we’ve
realised it’s a whole lot more.
When we look to balance our health
and happiness, we focus on food and
water, physical, career, relationships and
spirituality. We believe it’s important to
allocate time and focus on each of these
areas equally.

74 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au
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