
(Barré) #1

By equally, we don’t mean all at once. It
then spirituality the next. For us, it’s about
being aware of what our mind, body and
spirit needs and then making a change, or
giving ourselves time.

In the beginning of our journey, food
and physical was very prominent, we
then detoxed negative relationships and
continue to be aware of negative people
around us. The day we quit our corporate
jobs to merrymake full-time was an
from our lives. Once we’d done that, we
present and enjoying our journey.

Now it’s a matter of balancing all of these
necessary. When we are busy, we know
that our meditation can be forgotten and
we definitely notice the difference – we can
become unsettled and easily overwhelmed.
As soon as we bring the practice back into

By no means is anything constant, we
change up the food we eat, the movement
we do and the work we do all the time, and
we think this is why merrymaking brings

What, if any, food cravings do
you have?

We love our food cravings, because they’re
like avocado, bone broth, pumpkin, green
veggies, coconut, macadamias, salt and
cacao. Seriously yum, seriously good for

actually mean something, not just that
we’re coming off a sugar-fuelled high.
missing a certain nutrient or mineral.

Has working together on your
books and website brought you closer
together? If so, how?

We’re sister best friends and always have
been, but our business has definitely
brought us a whole lot closer – mainly
because we spend a lot of time with each
other but also because we’re on this crazy
merrymaking journey together. Like any

new business, there are huge highs, tough
business times and lots of craziness. These
amazing crazy moments have made our
relationship so much stronger!

Do you balance each other out, or
drive each other mad sometimes?!
Oh good question! You would think we’d
get sick of each other but to tell you the
complete honest truth we absolutely don’t!
We’re each other’s best friend which makes
our business a really positive and happy
environment to be part of.
We probably used to get more annoyed
at each other but we realised early in that
if wanted to make our business a success
that we were going to have to get over
these small differences. Accept that we
both work in different ways and that we
each have very different strengths and
weaknesses. Now, we embrace these
differences and this means a more free
f lowing business and life!
Working with your sister means you can be
completely honest, which makes for quick
and easy decisions. We’re big on open
communication and saying exactly what
you want to say, having the unconditional
love within our business makes it a very
comfortable environment.
The best thing about working together
is that we bring each other up. If one
of us is going through a hard time or
lacking creativity, the other one is there
to support and show encouragement.
We will mention that the “Who’s turn is
it to wash up? ” two-minute disagreement
happens at least once a week – but that’s as
bad as it gets. We most definitely balance
each other out.

What’s your go-to recipe when
you’ve only got 15 minutes?
Anything that involves avocado and
zoodles (zucchini noodles!). We love
whizzing up a quick sauce in the blender

  • think avocado, herbs, spices and garlic,
    frying up some onion and chicken, adding
    the sauce, followed by the zoodles! Just 15
    minutes for a delicious, nourishing meal! If
    you make a big batch, this is also perfect for
    lunch leftovers!

What satisfies your sweet (or
savoury) tooth?
Oh, how we love savoury food! A handful
of salted macadamia nuts does the trick!
But we also love mak ing paleo crackers
and dip and paleo bread with butter. Or
we’ll have a cup of bone broth – when
in doubt bone broth! As for our sweet
teeth... we recently cut down on a lot on
natural sweeteners and are trying to make
unsweet treats! Our new ‘good fat cake’
is chock full of, you guessed it, good fats!
It contains things like coconut, cacao,
walnuts and ghee, with absolutely no
sweetener! We love this for dessert or really
any time of the day! It’s super nourishing
and very healing.

What do you appreciate most
about each other?
Emma about Carla
Carla is amazing! She’s a recovering
perfectionist so she’s super motivated, an
amazing project manager and expert inbox
“cleaner uperer”. Her confidence, passion
and drive inspire me everyday.
Carla about Emma
Emma is amazingly calm and she is always
there when I get overwhelmed or a little
stressed (I’m working on this!). Emma is
extremely compassionate and thoughtful
of others PLUS she is an AMAZING
networker – she can work the room like no
other! This is particularly a great strength
for when you run your own biz!

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76 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au

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