
(Tuis.) #1


HOW TO Pick Your Best Images

opportunities. Your phone is another top tool for showing
images. I have ‘hero’ images on my phone and I can easily show
anyone who’s interested in a cross-section of my work.


Set a ‘hero’ folder
For me, a ‘hero’ folder is very important. At all times
I have my ‘hero’ images with me as processed RAW files. I have
the same folder on my laptop in the field and on my desktop in
the office. Many times each year, when I’m on tour and writing
articles for AP I can go straight to my ‘hero’ folder and access
images to suit a given theme.


The next step
If you’ve followed this advice on organising your
files, you should now have your best images separated into a
hero folder. Now it’s time to share your images with the world.
Here’s a couple of ideas for you. Contact a magazine (you can
get the editor of this mag at editor@australianphotography.
com) or your local newspaper with a story submission. Enter a
portfolio competition like AP’s 2015 Photographer of the Year
( Or, if that all sounds too
hard, try putting together your own photo book? I love the fact
that anyone, of any experience level, can so easily share their
work in print. ❂

A special moment as
new-born pup bonds with mum
on the Galapagos Islands in

  1. Canon EOS 5D, 100-
    400mm lens @ 150mm, 1/350s
    @ f/5.6, ISO 200, hand held.
    Vibrance, contrast, shadows,
    sharpened. Adjusted in Adobe
    Lightroom 5.

Sapphire hunters working
hard in Madagascar. For me,
black and white offered far
more drama to this image.
Canon 5D, 24-105mm lens @
24mm, 1/1500s @ f/8, ISO 200,
hand held. B&W conversion,
contrast, blacks, sharpened.
Adjusted in Adobe Lightroom 5.
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