ONSERVATION biologists were
few and far between when
Tim Faulkner began work as
a trainee keeper at NSW’s Feather-
dale Wildlife Park, aged 14. But
during an action-packed career
spanning nearly 20 years at two of
Australia’s premier wildlife institu-
tions, it’s a title that has come to fit
as comfortably as his khaki uniform.
“I’ve worked at the conservation
coalface my whole life,” says the
energetic 33-year-old, now general
manager of the Australian Reptile
Park (ARP), in Somersby, NSW, and
Devil Ark, a pioneering breeding
facility for Tasmanian devils. “As
well as the devil work, I am an
Conservation coalface
Tim Faulkner, the 2015 Australian Geographic Society Conservationist of the Year, is the
public face of a pioneering project that offers new hope to beleaguered Tasmanian devils.
ambassador for quokkas and dingoes,
and I’ve contributed to projects on
everything from bilbies and eastern
quolls to regent honey-eaters and
pygmy blue-tongue lizards.”
That lifelong passion for Australia’s
animals, fostered by family holidays
in the bush and reptile-keeping
relatives, was recently recognised
when Tim was named the 2015 AG
Society Conservationist of the Year.
At the ARP, he and the 40
full-time staff and 80 volunteers he
oversees help visitors to get up close
and personal with nature. “We give
people a good experience, raise
their awareness and slip in some key
conservation messages,” he says.
His television show The Wild Life of
Tim Faulkner (see page 110) extends
that reach to more than 5 million
people an episode.
While wrestling cranky crocodiles
and milking deadly snakes might be
all in a day’s work, Tim regards the
Devil Ark project – to create an
insurance population of devils as
protection against a devastating facial
tumour disease – as among his most
important work. It is widely seen as
a model for species recovery interna-
tionally. “They are such stimulating
critters with distinctive personalities;
no two devils are the same,” says
Tim enthusiastically. “I love them.”
January. February 23
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