
(singke) #1



Stuffing cups with
macadamia, figs and herbs
Pull out your muffin pans and line with
thin strips of round pancetta to bake
these moreish stuffing cups.
Recipe on page 227

Roast potatoes, sage
and bacon with sour
cream dressing
Jazz up your roast spuds with
crispy herbs. Try sage, rosemary
or thyme to take this dish to new
heights. Paired with salty bacon
and sour cream, it’s a winner!
Recipe on page 227^


Whether it’s a crunchy salad or cute

cups of nutty stuffing, these additional

dishes sure liven up the main event!

A hit of green and carb heaven!
■Stuffing cups with macadamia, figs and herbs
■Roast potatoes with sage, bacon and sour
cream dressing
■Brussels sprouts salad with crispy bacon and
smoked almonds
■ Green bean, beetroot, mint and feta salad
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