Australian Homespun - February 2016_

(John Hannent) #1
Dale Hoh, from Campbell, ACT, for her
Ragged Rocks rag rug project:
“When I saw the wonderful rug made from T-shirts (Ragged
Rocks, by Michelle Bardwell) in the August 2015 edition of
Homespun (Vol 16 No 8), I knew I had to have one! I set about
asking everyone I knew for old T-shirts and even went to our
local garbage tip, where they have a cage of discarded clothes
used for rags. I found the instructions really easy to follow and
I have a tip to make pushing the fabric through the base easier.
Use a long-nosed pair of tweezers to push the fabric through.
It saves your fi ngers getting sore and your nails from catching
on the fabric. This is my fi rst rag rug. I’m making a matching
pair to have on either side of the bed on our wooden fl oors: nice
and snuggly for the feet! Thank you for printing such a wonderful
recycling idea, and I look forward to your next issue.”

One of the joys of putting Homespun together each month is seeing the vision of
our designers translated into personal masterpieces by our enthusiastic readers.
We’d love to hear from you, too. Write to us with your crafty triumphs or with
any tips, advice and new-product sightings you’d like to share with others.

Email [email protected] Mail Homespun Readers’ Showcase, Locked Bag 154, North Ryde NSW 1670.



Congratulations to Dale for her great
effort. As the winner this month, she
will be receiving the following prizes:

Q (^) Quick Quilts with Rulers, by Pam and Nicky Lintott (published
by David & Charles and distributed locally by Capricorn Link
Australia). There are 18 simple and eye-catching quilts to make
using three diff erent specialty rulers. However, templates are
also provided in the book so that quilts can be made without
the rulers, and some projects can be cut with other rulers, too.
Q (^) Clover 45mm pinking and wave-edged rotary-cutter blades
make tricky trimming and decorative edges as quick and easy
as regular rotary cutting.
Q (^) Clover Jumbo Wonder Clips are ideal for yarn projects as well
as bulky or multi-layered fabric items. They open wide and have
long jaws and strong springs to keep things exactly where
you want them while you are working.
For contact details for Capricorn Link (Australia) and Clover,
turn to the Stockists pages at the back of the magazine.
10 Homespun
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