Lemoyne Star blocks
Trace Templates A, B, C and D
from the Pattern Sheet onto
template plastic. Label each shape,
then cut them out accurately on
the lines. These templates do not
include seam allowances. Use a
white, silver or chalk pencil when
tracing around these templates on
the black print fabrics so that the
traced lines are visible.
From the assorted fabric
scraps, cut:
- Eight B diamonds using the
template. To do this, lay the template
on the wrong side of the fabrics,
aligning the double-headed arrow
with the grainline. Trace around the
template. Cut the shapes out^11 ⁄ 4 in
outside the traced lines. See
Jennifer’s Fabric Cutting Tip.
From one of the 20cm (8in)
squares of print fabric, cut:
- Four squares, 2^1 ⁄ 4 in (background)
- Two squares, 2^5 ⁄ 8 in. Cut each square
in half across the diagonal to yield
four half-square triangles.
Centre the A template on the
wrong side of each of the 2^1 ⁄ 4 in
background squares and the C
template on the wrong side of each
of the half-square triangles and
trace around them to mark the
stitching lines.
Start by sewing the B diamonds
together in pairs. To do this by
hand, match the two shapes, right
sides together, and pin. Knot the
end of your thread, and sew a small
running stitch along one edge of
the diamonds on the traced line.
Turn your work over after every few
stitches to check that your stitching
is on the line of the underlying shape.
Do not sew beyond the ends of the
line into the seam allowances. End
the stitching with a backstitch.
Now sew a background C triangle
between each pair of star points.
To do this, match one short edge of
the C background triangle with the
top raw edge of one of the star points
in a pair, right sides together, and
pin. Stitch along the line as you did
in Step 5; start this stitching^1 ⁄ 4 in
from the outer edge and sew towards
the seam you sewed in Step 5. When
you reach the end of the traced line,
sew a small backstitch. Match the
other short edge of the triangle
with the top raw edge of the second
star point in the pair. Pass the
needle through the seam and sew
a small backstitch on the other side
of it. Then stitch along the traced
line to join the short edge of the
triangle to the top edge of the
second star point.
Sew the units you created in
Step 6 together in pairs in the
same manner as Step 5.
Now stitch a background A square
in the corner of each half of the
block, sewing it to adjacent edges
of a half-star as you did in Step 6.
Press the seams towards the
background square.
Join the two halves of the
block, taking care to match
the centre points.
To complete the block, repeat
Step 8 to add the remaining
two corner squares. Now press all
the seams. Your block should
measure 6^1 ⁄ 2 in square from raw
edge to raw edge.
Repeat Steps 2-10 to make
a total of nine Star blocks,
including three with black print
Four-patch blocks
From each of four light-value
and four medium-value 20cm
(8in) squares of fabric, cut:
- Two squares, 3^1 ⁄ 2 in.
Centre the D template on
the wrong side of each square
and trace around it to mark the
stitching lines.
Decide which two fabrics
you will use to make each
Homespun 99
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