Men_s Health Australia - April 2016__

(Marcin) #1
APRIL 2016^79


Schwarzenegger proved Roger
Spottiswoode right, reinventing himself
in the most spectacular style. With
his action hero status diminishing,
Schwarzenegger moved into politics
with his wife, Maria Shriver, scion of
the Kennedy clan, playing a key role.
He wrongfooted his opponents by
announcing his intention to run for
the Governorship of California at the
eleventh hour on The Tonight Show
in August 2003 with Jay Leno and
was elected in October of the same
year. Initial success and popularity
soon gave way to an all-too-familiar
political impasse, which saw his ratings
plummet. In 2011 he left office and
resumed his movie career. In the wake
of the revelation that he had fathered a
son with his housekeeper, Shriver left
him. The success of The Expendables
has restored his box office muscle
and helped make Terminator Genisys
a reality. If his plans come to fruition
he will presently be making sequels to
Twins and his Conan series.



AND BEYOND (2003-2016)

ACT 3...

Lane Leavitt (stunt man on The
Last Stand): A r no ld at 65 was
more of an athlete than most
Hollywood actors at 25.

Henry Hobson (director of
Maggie): H e has this mantr a
which is “Preparation Prevents
Piss-Poor Performance” and he
would repeatedly say this on set.
O nc e he b elieved in the proje c t
and in me it was full steam ahead
and he was very generous with his
time and energy.

Butler: In the beginning he was an
awkward bodybuilder in a dark
subculture that America wanted
no part of. At the end he was an
international star, ready to become
the richest man in California and
eventually the highest-paid movie
actor in history.

Schwarzenegger: W hat is the
point of being on this Earth if you’re
go ing to b e like ever yone else?

Follow Arnie’s
advice to say “hasta
la vista” to your
weight-room rut

Conan’s chest
At his
bodybuilding biggest,
Arnold boasted a
chest, and he wasn’t
far off that size
when he wielded the
broadsword in the
Conan movies.
bench press, incline
dumbbell press
sure your grip is wider
than your shoulders
when bench pressing
so the pectorals do
a major part of the

His opening cyborg
appearance, side-on
and buck naked
in classical Greek
pose, highlighted his
all-round muscularity,
but his career-defining
catchphrase dictates
that we focus on his
grip chin-ups, bent-
over barbell row
doing barbell rows,
keep your upper body
parallel to the floor.
Don’t use your lower
back to lift.”

Dutch’s arms
Arnie famously
said: “I have a love
interest in every one
of my films – a gun.”
He was also justifiably
fond of his own guns,
which looked close
to their 56cm biceps
biggest when he went
Dutch in Predator.
standing barbell curls,
seated dumbbell curls
“Twisting the wrists
as you lift and lower
the dumbbells causes
a fuller contraction of
the biceps.”

Stage managed:
determination to
succeed has paid
off handsomely.

Schwarzenegger: My relationship
to power and authority is that I’m
all for it. People need somebody to
watch over them and tell them
what to do.

Susan Kennedy (Democrat and
Schwarzenegger’s Chief of
Staff): There were a lot of times
when we said , “ You jus t c an’ t do
that”. He was always like, “I don’t
care”. Ninety per cent of the time it
was a good thing.

Stallone: H e’s my b es t fr iend now.
It’s strange, given what big rivals
we used to b e. H e’s s till
ridiculously competitive, though. I
have this watch , w hich is the onl y
one of its kind in the world, so I
wore i t to our las t lunch. A r no ld
was desperate for me to get him
one but I had to explain that wasn’t
possible. He was so mad!
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