- Melbourne is consistently
ranked as one of the Top 10 livable
cities in the world, and agencies
like VicRoads are charged with the
task of maintaining that mobility,
productivity and livability for a
growing population.
“One of the big challenges for
VicRoads is preserving our livability
with a population that’s almost
going to double in a 40 year period,
but with a transport network that
won’t double in a traditional form,”
says Fisher. “My team at Road
Operations is tasked with dealing
with that particular challenge
around journeys, where we must
preserve both well being and
Meeting needs through
To achieve this task, VicRoads is
taking a fresh look at the way it
approaches problem solving. This
includes working directly with the
communities it serves to find out
exactly how to meet its needs.
“VicRoads recently released
its new four-year strategic
commitment, which includes our
vision and how we intend to deliver
on that vision,” says Fisher. “Unlike
in the past, where we’d typically
The old Mitcham Road level crossing approaching
Whitehorse Road in Mitcham