
(singke) #1



he Professor has been
busy with the WR250F,
firstly testing many
different engine maps
(the full write-up is our
Technical feature in this issue).
During the process he also fi tted
a GYTR slip-on muffl er. The new
GYTR muffl ers are made by FMF
for Yamaha and are available at
your local Yamaha dealer or via the
Y-Shop. It’s a nice-looking muffl er,
sounds great and added a few ponies
to the output as well.
The bike was also due for new
tyres and we opted for Bridgestone
X30s. At the same time, Techno
Mousse tubes were fi tted to both
ends. These new Mousse tubes offer

greater life than previous versions
and we intend to test them out fully.
The recent rains on the mid-north
coast have left the Professor’s
favourite riding areas very wet. The
Mousse provided a relative tyre
pressure of around 8psi, which is
great for traction in those conditions
without any of the risk of getting a
fl at. He has also added a solid mud
rear disc. The lack of holes in the
solid disc prevents mud building up
in there and forming a grinding paste
that can destroy brake pads.
The bike has been cracking up
the kays and has just clocked up
1000km. This called for a service
and the Professor went over the
bike top to bottom.




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