Rolling Stone Australia - May 2016

(Axel Boer) #1



For a man who’s worked with artists such as Chet Faker, The
Rubens and St. Vincent, Melbourne-based producer Eric J has
a startling admission: “There’s always music going in the house
now, but we didn’t really have that for a few years.”
The halls of his home started echoing with songs when he
decked out three rooms with Sonos speakers (one of which he
moves outside for outdoor dining), through which he streams
Spotify. “It really has changed the energy at home,” he of ers.
“It’s been great for me and for listening with my family – we love
listening to funk and old R&B, but we really mix it up, so it’ll be
Stevie Wonder into Parliament, Sly Stone, The Meters and Bill
Withers, then Elliott Smith at dinner time. My son Josh loves
when we blast Nirvana and my wife Louise likes Jamie XX.
In the mornings with my youngest son Jesse, we listen to Miles
Davis, Coltrane and Oscar Peterson with a little Bach thrown
in for good measure. I love that I have access to all these
dif erent playlists.”
Eric also utilises Sonos professionally to reference mixes
he’s doing in the studio. He recently put his system to use while
working on Flume’s new record. “It’s an important thing to
know how the average listener is going to experience a song,” he

of ers. “Sonos gives me a really good, really accurate representa-
tion of the whole spectrum of sound. It’s been really helpful.”
And while his studio is acoustically tuned and therefore
doesn’t need to take advantage of Sonos’s Trueplay Tuning

  • software that enables the speakers to adjust their output
    to the shape of the room, therefore of ering the best possible
    sound – at home he’s found it invaluable. “The sound’s a little
    more focused because I’ve got hardwood fl oors, so I think it just
    probably toned down a little bit of the top end of the music,” he
    explains. “Honestly, I think it sounds incredible. And I’m sure
    I’m harder to please [than most] as far as sound quality.”

For more info visit

The award-winning producer on how Sonos
has changed his life at home and at work

Eric uses his
Sonos to stream
Spotify throughout
his house. “It almost
makes every
weekend a party,”
he laughs.

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