A (6)

(ff) #1
http://www.skyandtelescope.com.au 39

(rod cells)

(cone cells)

Relative sensitivity

Wavelength (nanometres)

400 500 600 700


takes me less than a minute to physically move from
a star map to the telescope and orientate myself at the
eyepiece. If I want my vision to adapt that quickly, how
low must I go? Published experiments don’t go faint
enough for astronomy, so the easiest way to find out
how much light we can get away with is to try it!
My own experiments show that my rods recover
almost immediately even after a few seconds of
exposure to the full Moon’s illumination on a white
sheet of paper (0.1 lux, where a lux is the unit of
surface brightness, defined as 1 lumen coming from
1 square metre of surface). Our threshold for reading
with broadband light is 10 times higher than with
moonlight, about 1 lux, and my night vision recovered
from that exposure within a few seconds. At this level,
we can also see some colour as well, indicating that
our cones are working.
Above about 3 lux, the rods take noticeably longer
to adapt. This is roughly the threshold above which the
rod cells become bleached.
So, when artificial light is necessary, the best choice
is relatively faint light: about 1 lux, and not above 3 lux.
Incidentally, this range also falls in our mesopic vision
(see facing page).
LEDs’ pure red light (about 650 nm) is detected by
only our L-cones, and it provides poor resolution for
reading or seeing hazards (such as a tripod’s legs). So
we not only want illumination at about 1 lux to save
our rods but also light that covers a wider wavelength
range, between about 500 and 700 nm, to take
advantage of our M-cones as well as our L-cones.
What does this light look like? Between 1 and 3
lux, my impression of the colour is pale ‘amber’ or
‘candlelight’. Aesthetically, it is quite pleasing.

Stamp out blue
This new work goes against what has become common
sense for dark-site observing. Nevertheless, we have
adopted this amber spectrum and 1–3 lux illumination
level for Canadian Dark-Sky Preserves.
Although the use of amber light can help us see
while walking about a campground, it can also help

in cities. We distinguish colours twice as well when
they are illuminated by a smooth amber spectrum
than when illuminated under the golden light of
high-pressure sodium lamps. Those lamps don’t have
a continuous spectrum; their glow is mostly made up
of narrow emission wavelengths specific to sodium,
which only let us see colours that match up with these
spectral features.
Worse, the blue component of ‘white light’ city
lamps provides very little information for our visual
acuity, yet it cripples our night vision, making it
difficult to see into more shadowed areas. So using
amber light, at rational illumination levels, actually
improves our ability to see at night. The International
Dark-Sky Association is on a campaign to educate
lighting installers on this fact.
Where can you get amber LEDs? Most large LED
manufacturers make them. Close variations are
available from Lumiled (Philips), CREE and Nichia.
Before you buy, check the LED’s spectrum and ensure
it does not emit light at wavelengths shorter than
500 nm. The peak wavelength should be about 590 nm,
which is at the boundary between orange and yellow.
It must be emphasised, of course, that any artificial
light will compromise our night vision. Observers
pushing their visual limits would not use any artificial
light! But amber gives us more visibility with less light.
So, when you have to see in the dark, choose amber. ✦

Robert Dick is a professional engineer and part-time
astronomy professor. His interest in the bio-impact of light
began in the late 1990s, when he developed the Canadian
Dark-Sky Preserve Program for the Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada. This culminated in the creation of the
Canadian Scotobiology Group, Inc. For this and other
contributions, he was named Fellow of the RASC in 2015.

LEDS Our rods
and cones have
different peak
sensitivities: rods
in the green,
cones in the
yellow. These
are compared in
the graph above
with the spectra
of amber and
red LEDs. Red
LEDs trigger only
our L-cones, so
in order to be
bright enough
for us to read by
their light, red
LEDs must also
be bright enough
to bleach rod
cells. Conversely,
amber light excites
both the M- and
L-cones. Using
it, we can see
and read well at a
lower illumination
level that will
permit rods to
quickly recover.



Another way to select LEDs is by their
colour temperature. Colour temperature
is the approximate temperature of a
solid, hot surface that ‘looks’ like the
desired colour. The colour temperature
for amber is about 1,900–2,100 kelvin.
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