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(Kiana) #1

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Answers to your questions about stress and vitamin B12.

Star Despresis a yoga teacher specialising in Women’s Health, a Conscious Rest Specialist, Mindfulness Mentor, Feminine
Embodiment Coach and Writer.She helps inspire sensitive, busy women to slow down, tune in and find a more feminine
approach to how they show up in their life and business. She teaches Restorative and Gentle Feminine Yoga face-to-face and
online, runs women’s workshops and circles, and is planning restoration retreats for women. To find out more about Star
and her work go to http://www.divinestar.com.au

I’m finding the busyness of life overwhelming. With work and family
responsibilities I struggle to keep on top of things and feel exhausted
regularly. When I do get a break, I feel so tired I can’t enjoy myself and
end up just sleeping. I have a fairly healthy diet and practice yoga and
exercise frequently. How can I use yoga and wellness practices to help?


There is no denying that life is full and we are
asking more of our nervous systems than ever
before. Juggling the life responsibilities of parenting
and work while maintaining healthy practices that
support us can be challenging, especially when
ongoing fatigue is present and conditioning has us
believe we need to do more. I feel there are a few
things you could reflect on here.
During vulnerable times of low energy and
heightened stress it is imperative to adopt a yoga
practice that supports you – rather than leaving you
feeling even more exhausted – and this is where
Restorative Yoga practices enter the picture.
Restorative Yoga is a supportive practice that will
deeply soothe your nervous system, moving you
out of an overused stress response by triggering
the parasympathetic ‘relaxation response’.
The stillness induced will also offer you space
for deep reflection.
I would encourage you to not only adjust your
physical practice, but to also practice some
self-enquiry and mindfulness around your

expectations of not only yourself and how
much you do, but also of what you may feel
your yoga practice should look like.
One simple practice you can do at home to
quickly recalibrate the system is:
Constructive Rest Pose
Come to lying on the floor with the knees bent
(at a little less than 90 degrees), and the feet flat
on the floor. Align the knees and feet with the
hips, and support the head if you need. Your arms
can be resting beside the body, palms up or hands
resting on the belly. Connect with the breath and
stay for at least ten minutes to experience the
benefits. These can include gently releasing the
psoas muscle and lower back via gravity, soothing
the nervous system, easing stress and anxiety,
rejuvenating the whole body and quietening
the mind.
Some other helpful poses are:

  • Legs up on a chair, lounge, or bed.

  • Supported Child’s Pose.

  • Savasana with a guided Yoga Nidra.

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