
(ff) #1

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Superstar Jamaican sprinter, Olympic shoo-in
in Rio and reigning World’s Fastest Man.

One thing you can’t train without:
Spikes! They’re the most important piece of equipment
for a sprinter. Period.

Best training advice you’ve ever been given:
is slower than that of the smaller athletes. A few years ago,
my coach told me to stop stressing about making my start
faster and run to my strengths. The 100m race is long, and
the winner is the one who crosses the inish line irst.

Hardest workout you’ve ever done:
We run sessions like6–8 x 300m in the winter to build
endurance. They are tough. Sprinters don’t usually like
such high-volume sessions. But it’s necessary to build
endurance during the pre-season.

Favourite off-season exercise:
I love playing soccer. I play left midield or striker with
friends who have an appreciation of my profession and
thankfully don’t tackle hard.

Perfect training meal:
At the moment I am eating a lot of protein and vegetables
get to my optimum racing weight. In competition season,
I focus more and more on my diet to give myself the best
chance to run fast when it really matters.

Favourite cheat meal:
Wings, man. Jerk, bufalo. All types! I love them.

Frustration or challenge you constantly battle with in training:
For elite sprinters, it is always training hard but staying
injury-free. We tend to walk the line. We really need to
watch the hamstrings, calves and Achilles, which all
get tight.

Favourite training soundtrack:
I like a lot of dance hall, reggae and hip-hop.

Point in your career, at any level, when you realised you
were special:
I think it all started in 2002, when I was 15 and I won the
World Junior Championships, a competition for under-20s.
It’s unusual for a 15-year-old to beat 19-year-olds.

Achievement you consider your greatest triumph and why:
Six Olympic gold medals, 11 world titles and eight world
records. They are all triumphs.

Worst thing that’s ever happened to you on the track:
I false-started at the 2011 World T&F Championships in
Daegu (South Korea) when I was the favourite to win.

Reason you chose your sport over others:
My dad encouraged me to participate in an individual
sport and saw that I was able to run fast. He said that
in an individual sport I would control my own outcome
and not be depending on others and politics in teams.

Qualities you consider the most important in a champion:
Being able to perform when it counts and coming back
to do it again and again.

My coach, Glen Mills, is a guru. He has a deep knowledge
of the sport, but most of all, he teaches life lessons.

My parents brought me up to respect people no matter
who they are or where they come from.

Best piece of advice you’d give your younger self:
Work hard. Enjoy the moment.■

The Cooldown

“Away from the track, I

play soccer. Thankfully, my

friends don’t tackle hard.”


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