
(lu) #1

Preparation and cutting


Trace the templates from the
Pattern Sheet onto paper,
transferring the markings. Use a
compass to draw a circle with a
radius of 1^13 ⁄ 1616 in (diameter 3^5 ⁄ 8 in)
onto the paper as well – this is the
template for the sack base. Cut all
the shapes out roughly, glue them
to cardboard, then cut them out
accurately on the traced lines.


Fold the grey tone-on-tone
print fabric in half, right sides
together. Using the fabric-
marking pen, trace around the
following templates, matching
the arrows on the patterns with
the lengthwise grain of the fabric:

  • One head front

  • One head back

  • One body front

  • One body back

  • One outer arm

  • One inner arm

  • Two legs

  • Two ears.


Pin the fabric layers together,
then cut out each shape on
the traced line. Transfer the
markings for the openings onto
the wrong side of the body back,
legs and inner arm. Transfer the
eye, snout and mouth positions
onto the right side of the head
front shape. Transfer the
markings for the leg placement
onto the right side of the body
front. Unfold the remaining grey
tone-on-tone print fabric and
trace and cut one body base


From the white felt, cut:

  • One strip, 2.5 x 27cm
    (1 x 10^5 ⁄ 8 in) (sack trim).
    Fold the remaining white felt
    in half and trace:

  • One foot pad

  • One ear overlay

  • One arm pad

  • One hair spike.


Pin the layers of felt together
and, with the exception of
the hair spike, cut the shapes
out on the traced lines. (You will
stitch the hair spike in Step 10,
below, before cutting it out.)


On a single layer of black
felt, trace:

  • One snout

    • Two eyes. (Anthea recommends
      using a chalk pencil if the fabric-
      marking pen doesn’t show on the
      black felt.) Cut the shapes out on
      the lines.


Fold the green felt in half
and trace:

  • Two holly leaves – don’t cut
    them out yet.


On a single layer of red felt,

  • One rectangle, 10 x 26cm
    (4 x 10^1 ⁄ 4 in) (sack sides)

  • One sack base with the circle
    template. Cut the shapes out
    on the lines. Fold the remaining
    red felt in half and trace:

  • Three holly berries – don’t cut
    them out yet.


From the red and white stripe
fabric, cut:

  • One strip, 6.5 x 51cm (2^1 ⁄ 2 x
    20in) (scarf).

Koala assembly


Using white thread, sew
around the hair spike on
the traced line through both felt
layers; leave the straight bottom
edge open. Cut the shape out just
outside the stitching and on the
traced line across the bottom edge.


Place a white ear overlay
shape on the right side of
a grey ear shape as indicated on
the template. Sew around the
overlay shape just inside the edge
with white thread. Match the
ear+overlay shape, right sides
together, with a plain ear shape
and sew around the curved edge,
leaving the bottom open. Clip the
curves and turn the ear right side
out. Repeat this step for the other
ear and overlay shapes, making sure
that the overlay is placed in reverse
on the second ear so you have
mirror-reverse left and right ears.


Sew the darts in the head
front and back shapes. To
do this, fold the fabric, right sides
together, so the edges of the dart
are aligned. Sew from the outer
edge to the point and knot the
thread ends at the point to secure.


Match the two head fronts,
right side together, and sew
the centre front seam. Match the
two head backs, right sides

Step 10

Step 11

Step 13St 13

Step 14
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