
(lu) #1


Put some fi bre fi ll inside
the sack if you wish, then
tie the length of twine around
the neck of the sack to draw it


Fold the short ends of the
red and white fabric strip
under by 6mm (^1 ⁄ 4 in) and stitch
the hems. Fold the strip in half,

right sides together and long
edges matching. Stitch the long
edges together. Turn the tube
right side out using a loop turner.
Fold the hemmed edges at the
ends in half and hand stitch to
secure them.


Sew a pompom to each end
of the scarf and then tie it
loosely around the koala’s neck.

TIP When stuff ing the koala, flip the
seam allowances of the ears and hair
spike towards the back of the head.
This will help the ears to sit forwards
and the hair spike to sit upright.

TIP If you can’t find single small
pompoms for sale, buy a short
length of pompom trim (bobble
braid) and carefully snip off two
of the pompoms in the chain.

Step 33

Step 34

Step 36

Step 40

Step 41

How would you describe your particular
craft style? I love using bright and
colourful fabrics in my creations. When
I’m designing my softies, I try to give
each of them personality and cute
expressions on their faces.
Did your distinctive style happen over
time or was it immediate when you
started stitching? I think I’ve always
had the same look in mind that I’m trying
to create, but perhaps I’ve got better at
capturing that look the more items I’ve
created. I guess I’ve refined my style
over time and experience.
Are you good at all the crafts you’ve
tried? I haven’t actually tried that many
diff erent crafts. I did learn to crochet
recently, and have found it relaxing and
enjoyable, but I’ve only done a few simple
projects, so I’m not sure how I would go
tackling a more complicated design.
Other than crafting, how do you like to
spend your free time? I love going for long
walks with friends along the beachside trail

near our home, or catching up with
friends for coff ee. I also love curling up
with a good book at home.
Is your stitching a great diversion
from tasks you’d prefer to avoid (eg
housework)? ve learnt that, if I want I’
to spend a decent day sewing, then I have
to leave the housework undone. It would
be nice to have a clean and tidy house
before I start a project but it means cutting
into my valuable sewing time.
Of all the designs you have created,
which has been your favourite? My fox
softie design so far (featured in June 2015
Homespun and star of that issue’s cover).
I’m really happy with how it turned out, and
the positive response from others has been
overwhelming. I love the look of the fox
made in patchwork fabrics, rather than just
plain orange and white, and it means
everyone can make a unique version by
choosing their own mix of fabrics.
And which has been most popular with
the public or gift recipients? ve given I’
a couple of my patchwork foxes as gifts
and I often get requests to make them
from others who see them.
Have you got a stitching dream or goal?
I really enjoy working at home, doing
something I love, so it’s my goal to one
day be able to work full time on my
business and grow it so it’s big enough
to make a living from. It is doing quite
well, but I’m working on expanding my
range of patterns so that, hopefully, one
day this will be possible.
What makes you laugh out loud? My two
kids make me laugh all the time. They’re
always saying funny things and making
up funny shows for me to watch.

Gett ing to know ...

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