
(lu) #1


When you have a layout that
you like, sew the blocks in
each row together, then sew the rows
together, carefully matching seams.
Your quilt should measure 23in
square from raw edge to raw edge.

Border 1


Draw a rectangle 5 x 32in in
the centre of each of the two
light 6 x 33in strips you cut in Step 1
using an erasable fabric-marking pen.
Draw a rectangle 5 x 23in in the
centre of each of the two light 6 x
24in strips in the same manner. The
fabric will be trimmed back to these
lines after you have completed the
appliqué and stitchery.


Trace a total of 36 presents
from the shapes printed on
the Pattern Sheet. The easiest way
to do this is to put the Pattern Sheet
and the fabric you have chosen for
a particular shape right side up on
top of a lightbox (or backlit window).
Trace the exact shape on the fabric
with an erasable fabric marker. If
there is any embroidery on the shape,
trace that too. Cut the shape out of
the appliqué fabric a scant^1 ⁄ 4 in by
eye outside the traced line.


Arrange the presents along
each border strip in a pleasing
layout. Anni has eight presents on
each shorter strip and 10 on each
longer strip. Vary the position and
angle of the presents, referring to the
photograph of Anni’s quilt as a guide;

Anni rotated the presents at the
end of each longer strip at a
45-degree angle, so that they were
facing the centre of the quilt once
these strips had been sewn to the
quilt. As you position each present,
bear in mind that all of the presents
have embroidered lines that extend
above and below their edges, and
that this embroidery needs to be at
least^3 ⁄ 8 in inside the rectangles you
drew on your background fabric in
Step 11. Hold the appliqué shapes in
place with a couple of dots of basting
glue or appliqué pins.


Needleturn appliqué the
shapes in place. To do this,
knot the end of a thread that is the
same colour as the appliqué fabric.
Use the point of the needle to turn
the raw edge of a section of the
shape under to the traced line and
hold it in place with your non-
dominant thumbnail. Bring the
needle up so it just catches the folded
edge of the fabric. Pull it through, go
down again immediately below the
fold and bring the needle up on the
fold a few millimetres (about^1 ⁄ 8 in)
along – the stitches should be
virtually invisible. Continue around
the shape, folding the edge under
with the needle and holding it with
your thumbnail. When you come to
a corner, tuck the raw edges under
as you stitch around it.


Draw (or trace) the ribbon for
each present using a fi ne

pigma pen or a sharp pencil.
Backstitch the ribbon in three strands
of embroidery fl oss in a colour to
complement your appliqué fabric.


Remove the fabric marker lines
from each border with water
and a small paintbrush. Press the
strips, then trim the two longer ones
to 5 x 32in with the appliqué centred
and the two shorter ones to 5 x 23in.


Sew a shorter strip to the left
and right edges of the quilt,
with the ribbon bows closer to the
quilt centre. Press. Sew a longer strip
to the top and bottom edges of the
quilt, again with the ribbon bows
closer to the quilt centre. Your quilt
should now measure 32in square
from raw edge to raw edge.

Border 2


Lay out the 2^3 ⁄ 4 x 2in rectangles
of assorted print fabrics in four
rows of 14 rectangles each with the
short edges of the rectangles
matching. When you have an array
of colours and prints that you like,
sew the rectangles in each row
together. They should measure
2 x 32in from raw edge to raw edge.


Sew a row to the top and
bottom edges of the quilt and
press seams outwards.


Sew a 2in print square to each
end of the remaining two rows,
then sew these rows to the left and
right edges of the quilt, pressing as

Border 2 corner with ricrac edging
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