
(lu) #1
allow it to cool and carefully
remove the template. Press again.


Repeat Step 17 twice with
the window-frame template
and white fabric to make the
window frames.


Mark the position of the
window frames on the front
panel with the fabric-marking pen,
referring to Diagram 5.


Cut two lengths of white
ricrac about 3in long for each
windowsill as follows: because ricrac
frays very easily, cut it so that only
complete bottom curves are visible
at each end and the window frame will
cover the cut edges, as shown in
Diagram 6. Baste the two pieces of
ricrac on the panel along the line you
drew for the bottom edge of the

window frames so their upper curves
will be covered by the frames.


Position the prepared window
frames and doorframe on the
front panel. The doorframe should
be level with the bottom edge of
the panel and the window frames
should cover the top half of the ricrac
windowsills. Appliqué them in place
by hand with invisible stitches.


Peel the backing paper off
the door, centre it at the bottom
of the doorframe and fuse it in place.
Machine stitch close to the edge
with a short stitch length.


Peel the backing paper off
the windowpane shapes and
arrange them on the window frames.
Fuse them in place and machine
stitch close to their edges.


Using Bright Red (666) Perlé
cotton, work a line of running
stitch around the side and curved
edges of the doorframe on the brown
spot print fabric. Sew the button in
place for the doorknob. (The quilting
around the windows is done later.)



Lay the backing fabric, right
side down, on the table and
smooth the batting on top of it. Place
the A-B-C placemat shape over the
batting, right side facing up, then the
front panel, right side up with the
side and bottom edges aligned with
those of the A-B-C shape. Baste all
the layers together securely with
safety pins.


Using a walking foot and
regular stitch length, sew along
the lines shown in red in Diagram 7.
The horizontal line should be in the
ditch over the previous line on the
ricrac and the angled line should be in
the ditch of the gable-roof seam. Don’t
sew across the left side of the panel
where the pocket is. Machine stitch
all the way around the perimeter of
the placemat^1 ⁄ 8 in from the edge.


Hand appliqué the top edge
of the red striped binding
to the pink roof section with small
invisible stitches. Don’t stitch it to
the gable part – it remains open to

Diagram 6

Diagram 5 Diagram 7

TIP If you’re using a light-
coloured fabric for the door panel,
the door-frame fabric might show
through it. To prevent this,
prepare a second door panel in
plain white cotton fabric and fuse
both pieces to the door frame,
fusing the plain white layer first
as a lining. Make sure they are
exactly aligned so that the lining
isn’t visible around the edges.

Diagram 8


13 ⁄ 8 in
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